What is the neighbourhood plan

What is the plan?

Here we  explain what the plan is.
The Neighbourhood Plan enables the people of Ashdon to take ownership of the planning and development of Ashdon. For the first time local people can create a plan that allows then to develop planning policies that reflect the priorities of their area and has real legal weight. The whole community then decides at a referendum vote whether the local authority should bring the plan into force.New Paragraph
The Government wants to give more power to local people so that local communities can have a say in what is built where, and to ensure that any development meets the needs of current and future generations. Local people have local knowledge about what kind of facilities are needed in their area and are best placed to decide this.

The Neighbourhood Plan can identify existing assets that need to be enhanced or protected for future generations such as historic buildings and views, wildlife habitats and areas of natural beauty.

The plan area

The area that the Ashdon Neighbourhood Plan will encompass is called the "designated area". This is the area within the boundaries of the Parish of Ashdon.

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